@article{oai:hu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000103, author = {小松, 一子 and 川野,素子 and KOMATSU, Kazuko and KAWANO,Motoko}, month = {2016-02-22}, note = {若者の「ニート」層が増加する社会で、専門知識と職業意識をもつ学生を育成する教員は、その精神的側面を理解して対応する必要性を感じている。そこで社会福祉学部の学生を対象にアイデンティティ、自己効力感について先行研究で作成された尺度を使い比較検討した。社会福祉学部の学生もアイデンティティは高く、学部を選んでいることと関係していた。福祉介護コースの場合は学年と共にアイデンティティも発達していたことから、職業的視点を持つことや介護実習における社会的体験が関係していると思われる。自己効力感は、学力と関係なく介護実習への学生自身が感じる課題の重さと関係し、やり遂げたあとは自信となって、学年が上がるごとに上昇傾向にあった。しかし、学生の特性も見えるため、指導困難学生の理解や個別指導に生かせる尺度ではないかと思われる。, Recently young NEET population is increasing, and we feel the scholastic ability and motivation of students are getting lower. We, teachers in welfare nursing course, are fostering the expertise and occupational consciousness of the students. In educating students, we feel the necessity to understand their mental side. For these reasons, we conducted a comparison study of the identity and self-efficacy of the students in social welfare course and welfare nursing course. Since the students who major social welfare chose the deparment when entering the university, it can be said that they have identity of their purposes. We found that this result related to identity standard concerning occupation choice and social experience. The identity of the students majoring welfare nursing developed as their grade advance. It seems that the identity of the students relates to their professional viewpoint and nursing practice through social experiences. The self-efficacy is lowest for nursing students who prepare real practice with seriously ill patient at extreme edge advanced study. Students in welfare nursing course gain confidence after experiencing nursing practices, and they feel more confident as their grade advance., 4, KJ00005074041, 論文, ARTICLE}, pages = {1--9}, title = {福祉介護コース学生のアイデンティティと自己効力感 : 職業選択と実習による社会経験との関係}, volume = {16}, year = {}, yomi = {コマツ, カズコ and カワノ, モトコ} }