@article{oai:hu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000107, author = {脇中, 洋 and WAKINAKA, Hiroshi}, month = {2016-02-22}, note = {1995年7月に大阪市東住吉区の住宅密集地で発生した火災は、娘Mの死亡保険金目当ての詐欺未遂および放火殺人事件(いわゆる東住吉事件)として母親Aと内縁の夫Bが立件され、2人には2006年11月最高裁で無期懲役刑が確定している。本件は放火を裏付ける物的証拠がなく、AおよびBの自白のみを証拠としている。特にBには大量の供述があり、その大半で放火殺人を認めて克明に犯行様態を記しているが、その供述には数多くの疑問点が指摘されている。筆者は控訴審の段階から弁護団の鑑定依頼を受けて、B供述が「真犯人が体験を記した」ものか、「無実の者が犯人に扮して記した」ものかを明らかにするための供述分析を行なった。この鑑定書のうち、本稿では夫が自白に落ちた当日の供述を紹介して、自白の生成プロセスに関する評価を行なう。, In July 1995, a house fire occurred and killed a girl in a residential area of Higashi-Sumiyoshi Ward. Osaka. Her mother and the mother's common-law husband were prosecuted for murder, arson and attempt of insurance fraud. The Supreme Court sentenced them to life imprisonment with labor in November 2006. There was no physical evidence n this case, and the said sentence was only based on the suspects' confessions. Especially, the husband made many statements in which he admitted his committing the alleged arson and murder, but a lot of questions have been raised on his statements. At the request of their defensecounsel for an expert opinion as a psychologist, I analyzed husband's statements to determine whether they were true or not. In this paper, I present the husband's statements in which he first confessed to the criem, and examine the generating process of confessions., 8, KJ00005074045, 論文, ARTICLE}, pages = {53--81}, title = {東住吉事件におけるB供述の分析 : 放火供述の生成プロセス(2)}, volume = {16}, year = {}, yomi = {ワキナカ, ヒロシ} }